Webinar: How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy

Curve trends logo on display of the website

Bibi Mukherjee, founder of WTA Partner Curve Trends will be hosting this webinar on Thursday, April 13th at 10 a.m. ET. The hour-long webinar will cover how to build a marketing strategy for businesses of all sizes. It will touch upon the most successful marketing channels for tourism industry stakeholders, plus include a Q & A allowing participants to ask Bibi questions related to the topic. The WTA is offering this webinar to WTA Members and WTA Newsletter subscribers free of charge.  If you are not already a Member or a Subscriber, then by signing up for this webinar, you agree to allow us to  send you the monthly WTA Newsletter covering industry news, trends and offering knowledge resources from industry insiders.  

Click HERE to register for this webinar. 

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