Lorraine Kenlock


Chef Lorraine Kenlock has been traveling her wellness journey for almost 25 years. In 1998, she worked on an international project by JICA ( Japanese International Co-operation Agency ) as the Management Information System Specialist. The primary purpose of this study was to assess and determine the cause of the sharp increase in the Caribbean population in lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. This role resulted in her traveling  to Japan, where she studied at Hirosaki School of Medicine. 

In 2011, while on a career break and living in the Turks and Caicos, she started a company that prepared and delivered healthy lunches across the island. Over the next few years, she became known as Chef Lorraine, with a niche of being the go-to chef for anyone with specific dietary needs. 

In 2016, she pursued certification as an Herbalist. She has also followed up with a certificate from NASM as a CRM – Certified Nutrition Coach and a CWC – Certified Wellness Coach. In 2019, she founded Ital Lifestyle and has been providing dietary wellness services to clients in person and remotely. 

She is on the roster with Precision Nutrition, as a specialist in stress and sleep therapy.She graduated from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies in plant nutrition, Cornell University in Plant Medicine, and is currently in the Cannabis Medicine program at Cornell.

Contact Information:

Telephone: 649 247 1656

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