Launched in 2022, the Annual WTA Leading Light Award was created to honor individuals and businesses/companies/organizations that have successfully launched and implemented a NEW wellness project/initiative that embodies the WTA’s mission “to shape and support the sustainable growth of wellness tourism for the global good.” Nominations will close on September 30th and the 2024 winner(s) will be announced at our International Wellness Tourism Conference taking place November 19-21st in Riviera Maya, Mexico.
Here are the Leading Light Award winners for 2022 and our 2023 Leading Light Award Winner
Who can nominate
Anyone can nominate an individual or company/organization that is already a participant in the wellness tourism industry. There is no cost to nominate or be nominated.
Who can be Nominated
The nominee must be a current stakeholder in the wellness sector of the tourism industry. (DMOs, Suppliers, Travel Agents/Advisors, Wellness Retreat Leaders, Wellness Travel Consultants, etc)
From the list of all nominees, the WTA Board of Directors will create a list of finalists, and from that list of finalists, one winner (or two winners at the discretion of the Board of Directors ) will be selected.